Those points leave as fast they come...
That's right. I fell of my bike for the first time today.
You have a bike? You fag, I bet you love that seat riding up your ass!
Ya well you're right. I do have a bike. And as far as the ass goes. It used to get real sore after riding it, but I think some scar tissue has developed. Now I ride around pain free.
I woke up this morning around 11 am. It's the last day of my vacation so I thought to myself, "I'm gana bike ride to the bakery, get a few pastries, drink some orange juice and watch the NBA playoffs from my computer!"
It was lightly raining outside so I figured I better hurry the fuck up! Better bike as fast as I can before it starts pouring.
I pop that bitch into third gear and start pedaling like I have one testicle.
"Oh hey, there's a some steel filters in the street, I should be able to ride on those.."
Totally skid out, fell, tumbled 3 times, probably slid about 10-15 feet onto oncoming traffic.
The people that work at the gas station ran outside and began yelling at me in Japanese. I'm sure they were asking if I was ok. I'm sure of it..
I thought about turning back and going home, but then I would miss out on my pastries!! And when an American wants some sugar and bread for breakfast he gets it!
I realized there's a pharmacy near the bakery so I would stop there first, get some supplies, band aids and what not.
I get to the pharmacy and I'm limping a little bit. I walk in covered in rain, limping, and a honkie. Everyone was staring. Showed some kid my bleeding knee and he pointed me in the direction of the supplies.
Eventually made it to the bakery, bought my pastries. God damnit.
For anyone that has actually been following this blog since day one (which is probably no one), why is it that I always seem to eat whenever I'm upset? I'm like that fat chick who eats because she's upset, and is upset because she eats. I mean think about it. I eat when I have a bad class at school. I eat when the cute teacher finds my toilet pictures, and I eat when I fall off my bike. hmm...
I eventually made it back to my apt, washed my knee and took some pictures for you guys
Got to watch some of the NBA playoffs from the comp. Had to watch the Denver Dallas game. I guess it's better then nothing, I was really hoping to watch Bron Bron, but the Denver 'Thugg'ets will have to do.
I'm going to start fielding some questions. If anyone has a particular question you'd like me to answer in this blog please send me a comment, or email if you know the email. Anything is fair game, such as "How many temples have you seen?" to "How many cocks do you suck a month?"
It's all good.
How did the asphault get through the protective layer of fur on your body?
ReplyDeleteThose are Some weak war wounds. You should see josh's right now, he's got this wound that is the size of a dollar bill on his leg. Its disgusting- constantly spewing puss and now it looks like beef jerkey that is peeling off.
ReplyDeleteSo whats up with the ladies? Hows that going?
btw thats some pussy scars
ReplyDeleteI've been following this blog since before it started
ReplyDeleteI fall off my bike, and all I get is, "Those are pussy scars"
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see "Pussy scars" you should look at my dick.
EFF you guys
Hey Pussy Scar,
ReplyDeleteWhats up with that vagina on your co-worker who you dissed?
You are playing hard to get right?
She probably bangs all the gay exchange teachers anyway.
Her bed post probably has tally marks on it from all of the mad sexing she is doing with everybody.
Go find out dude...please?