Thursday: 3 classes down one more to go,
6th period.
The class that is terrible every time I have it. No one listens to me at all. Most students either put their head down on the desk or just talk with the neighbor. Some girls flirt with me, thank God for that, or else I'd completely hate the class too.
Today was a little different. There's a punk ass Drift King who sits in the back of class and is always obnoxious. I hate obnoxious people with ugly hair cuts. What's ugly? I know I don't have the best fashion sense, but this guy is a dick. Long hair into a pony tail with racing stripes along the side of his head. I hate when people with ugly hair cuts punk me. It's awful! So Humiliating, I only can compare it to farting in front of the girl you like? I dunno. ANYWAY
He'll stand up in the middle of class and just yell at the top of his lungs just to be a cock. So what did he do today to make my life miserable?
We were playing this great game called "Hot Potato," ball goes around the room and the person who has the ball when the music shuts off has to answer a few questions in English.
Ball is going around the room, no one really cares, it's circulating.. going.... going... gets to the Drift King, and he throws it out the door out into the hallway.
You DICK! (at that very moment my phone vibrates)
I couldn't help but laugh a little bit, but once that period was over I wasn't having any of it. The Japanese teacher tried to come up to me after class and talk with me, and I told her how I felt... first time I've talked to a teacher without slowing down my words etc. I'm sure only about 6 words registered during my tirade. Sorry Taguchi Sensei. Jesus Christ can't I catch a break?
I check my phone that went off during class.
"First case of N1h1 in Wakayama, brace yourself"
Thank GOD! Swine flu has come to rescue me from the clutches of these teenage cock suckers.
That night at my house the giant loudspeaker that normally warns the town of Typhoons is talking about something... I'm sure it has something to do with swine flu.
I go to sleep in hopes that school is canceled tomorrow.
Wake up this morning, no message about school being canceled, SONOFABITCH.
Head to the train station with my umbrella, the wind and rain is blowing pretty hard.
There's no one here at the station, did I miss the train?
Train shows up.. There's hardly anyone on it. Normally I'm shoulder to shoulder with students (you have seen the pictures).
I get off at the station and get to the bus stop.. there's no one there. I'm the only person on the bus. While on the bus I see a few students bicycling to school.
Dammit there's school today.
Then I see the students pedaling back home.
I get off the bus, one student comes up to me.. "school... no.. no school"
I get into the office and everyone is sitting there with smiles on their faces. It looks like school has been canceled due to the high winds and "Typhoon Weather." Apparently during the months of July - August I'm in for some awesome typhoons, I can't wait.
I left school, got lunch and enjoyed my day off... oh man... Thank you dickheaded race striped hair cut Drift King mother fucker.
And thank you Jesus.