Like the title says, it was a bitter sweet experience. Let me start with the sweet.
The Budokan was effing packed! There must've been a hundred or more people packed in there to kick some ass, or watch some ass being kicked.
My test was split into two separate parts.
1. Kata (Showmans skills test)
2. Fight
During the beginning of the Kata I recognized two of my students. They came over and bowed to me. That was nice, HARK! What was that!? They have white belts! Oh man, one of these two students could be my opponent!
Anyway, Pyar (another Gaijin stacking up to 6'6 and 230 lbs) got together and passed our Kata together. Good times.
Here's a video of the Kata. The three moves at the 1 minute mark are the moves I had to do to pass.
Next was lunch.. I ate a little bit of rice and fish.
During lunch, the scrolls were put up. Each scroll had the names of the fighters. I can't read... =(
After lunch everyone gathers around the scrolls and the judges read of the names (you are to raise your hand accordingly).
"Nick Oh LAs Giunta,"
"Japo Name"
That was when I first saw my opponent...
A lot of things go through your mind when you see the man you'll be fighting for the luxurious brown belt.
Has he truly loved?
Does he have a family?
I wonder if we'd be friends?...
I wonder what his favorite cartoon is?..
I wonder what Jr High he goes to...
The Bitter Part : My opponent was only 14 yrs old.
That's right!
I had to fight a God damned 14 yr old for my brown belt.
Dude when we got to the ring I was thinking, "Alright I'm just going to take it easy on this kid, he's only 14 and his parents are here to watch him. I couldn't imagine playing one-on-one basketball with a 25 yr old when I was 14.."
The fight started and I swear that kid was possessed. He was fighting for dear life. It was as if I were trying to steal all his cartoon pornography.
After about 30 seconds the fight went to the ground and I eventually pinned him for 3o seconds, match over.
My second match, against another 14 yr old only lasted 10 seconds. I threw him, game over.
After all the fights were finished it was free for all time. Anyone who wanted to fight anyone could come and challenge, and let me tell you.. there were a line of black belts lining up to take out the white man. I got my damn ass handed to me. I was so fucking exhausted. The little kid from the first fight came and challenged me again, I think his Sensei made him do it. I told him and his teacher he was very strong and not to be upset about anything. I bowed and tried to show great respect, but honestly as the whiteman in Japan there's only so much respect you can show without looking like an ass.
So there you have it.
I have a brown belt.
How did I get it?
Kicking the crap out of a 14 yr old.
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