Yes I went to Tokyo Game Show. I know know... I'm a giant nerd for paying 300 $ to fly to Tokyo to play the newest video games, some of which aren't released yet. PLUS, I'm staying with the girl from West Virginia and you know things are bound to get fresh... right?
I get to the show and I see a bunch of confiscated toys from people trying to cosplay.

A: Why the fuck are you bringing an iron to the show? Planning on ironing your cape?
B: Scissors? And there's a lot of them!
C: Who thought it would be safe to bring a fake gun to a public event? In Amerrrca, I think you would be arrested for something like this.
Speaking of Cosplay, here's a picture:

But the highlight of the trip. Who did I run into?! You might know her as Morgan Webb.

OMG! She's actually a lot cuter then I thought she would be. I was looking for Olivia Munn.. but I got Morgan, and that's okay. I didn't get the chance to speak with her since she was surrounded by a fortress of dorks.
After the game show
Okay time to hang out with the girl from West Virginia, things are bout to sweet as chicken pie.
Instead they got as gay as chicken ass hole getting fucked by another man chicken.
All of her friends (males) once they got drunk they started kissing each other, touching one another, and telling the gayest stories I've ever heard. Something about playing DDR naked with the heater turned all the way up. What the fuck?
So I just went to sleep, then the next morning flew back to my country side, where the males are normal, and want to touch chicks. And play DDR with our clothes on.
Olivia Munn is nice looking, but Morgan is also up there