Today we will be learning about California, children.
The kids eat this shit up.
But that's not the real story, the real story is what one kid had to say to me before the video started.
"Yes you have a question?"
" do you like... doyoulike Iwasaki Sensei?"
***Iwasaki Sensei laughs it off...***
Go ahead and laugh... LAUGH IT UP!! GO AHEAD AND LAUGH IT UP!!!... but you're gorgeous I can't help myself.
This is the second kid who's called me out. Not a big deal right? Kids can see right through me, that's fine, just as long as she has no idea.
Then tonight... Sunday night... Phone rings...
"Moshi Moshi"
"Giunta Sensei, it's Shoe."
"Hey Shoe what's up?
"You have been acting weird around the office..."
"I have? I'm sorry, is it the beard I'm growing? I'll buy a trimmer and shave it off come next week. Look man, I'm really tired, the other school I teach at, the kids have nicknamed me Manco. Which means pussy in Japanese. I'm going through a bit of culture shock and homesickness but I'll be cool, don't worry man. I'll pull it together I swear. I'll start going to bed a little earlier, eating a better breakfast and combing the hair. Or is it about how I leave hours on end to go to the bakery across the road. Look dude, I only have a few classes a day, the other hours I should be able to spend it however I like, so I go to the bakery for a cake or something. "
"Actually I was calling because I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time around Iwasaki Sensei..."
"Son of a bitch! You too? Is that obvious?! Jesus..."
"Yes I think maybe you love her, but she does not notice you"
"Yeah that's pretty accurate Shoe, and good English."
Now other teachers are starting to notice how much I dig this teacher.
I guess there's only one thing left to do, and that's invite her over to my shit-hole apartment to watch a movie she won't understand....
"JUST LAUGH IT UP... LAUGH IT UP!!!" Classic. Dude, how can you be so transparent in front of your students and faulty. What movie are you going to watch???
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure man, I was thinking Dazed and Confused, How to lose a guy in 10 days, fools gold... anything with Matthew McCanaughy (sp)
ReplyDeleteDude just pee in her butt and get it over with asap before you really become a pussy
ReplyDeleteRe: the kiss on the cheek thing... Do you mean that as in it's as common as a kiss on the cheek is back home? Or that it it was about as good as a kiss on the cheek?!
ReplyDeleteI'm saying a kiss on the cheeck in Japan is as common/uncommon as a handjob in America. Culturally equivalent.
ReplyDeleteSo what is the equivalent of an actual hand job..?
ReplyDeleteMaking her "airtight," possibly a
reverse backdoor rodeo."
So at some point is someone in Japan who is not male going to enjoy some nick gens or are you just going to make your whole male contingent mad at you for blowing opportunity upon opportunity..?