Yo, this is a substance post so I'm sorry for all those that wanted me to talk about mindless poop jokes and vagina monologues.
By the title one should be able to figure out this post is about generosity. I was originally going to award this point to me, for being so damn charming. But let's face it, it's the Japaneses generosity that deserves the credit. This charm did absolutely nothing for me in the states, and it sure has hell doesn't work here either.
I could list a bunch of times the Japanese have offered services to help me but I'll give you the top 3 moments that have really left in impact on me.
This takes a little to explain so I hope you'll bear with me.
About three weeks ago I was carrying a large paper bag of tomatoes (you'll find out about those later) to the train station. I was planning on using the tomatoes to help make fish tacos. The tomatoes broke through the bottom of the paper bag and went all over the concrete. My neighbor was outside, ran inside grabbed a few plastic bags and helped me pick up about 20 tomatoes, then gave me two Mikans (oranges) just for shits.
The following day I took her some Hershey's chocolate just to say thank you..
Two nights later I'm walking around with my buddy Jason and she must've heard two loud white guys walking around cause she ran outside with a bag of plums.
Thanks lady...
This is the best though...
Its really effing humid here, I sweat all the time, I come out of the shower and I'm never dry. It goes from dripping shower water right to sweat.
So I sit in my guitar chair playing guitar in my underwear with the window open hoping to catch a breeze.. when something in the corner of my eye catches my attention.
"Holy shit you scared the shit outta me lady.."
"Chotto Matte.."
She comes back with a bag fool of vegetables. Then asks me what schools I work for etc. Really nice lady, but damn how did she know which window was mine! Crazy!!
Do you like fishing?
Yah I like fishing man, I'm not great at it or anything but I enjoy it. I might (most likely) vomit on your boat, but after that I'll be great!
One of the teachers at my school has been featured in magazines for fishing. I guess he's a big deal. Anyway he invited me to go fishing with him on his boat.. how could I refuse?
Gives me a ride home, gives me about 20 tomatoes from his garden, I change, we go to dinner, he picks up the bill, what a gentleman, takes me to the boat and we set out into the Pacific Ocean towards China. Fucking China dude. Where the fuck am I living!?
Oh btw, this is night fishing.. apparently there's this fish he really enjoyes catching and it's only at night or whatever. So here I am on this boat in an ocean thats preparing for the perfect storm. Man I feel sea sick. Whatever fuck it.
God I'm retarded
We get to catching some fish after about 45 minutes.
Ugly mother fuckers. We caught a decent amount then it was time to gut and get them ready for tomorrow nights dinner.
Thanks for that fish brother... Oishikata. Or something like that.
I joined a basketball club. Got me working out twice a week every week. The guys are all real nice and pretty well skilled for the most part. Anyway..
I've only been going for a week.
This one guy offers me a ride home so I don't have to take the train, sure why not.
We get into the car, and he's trying to communicate with me the best he can. We struggle with each others mutual broken language barrier. But we manage to get this out..
"Do you watch movies?"
"Yes I watch movies"
"Japanese or English?"
"English dude, I don't know Japanese"
"Hm hm hm... Adult movies?"
WTF!? Like rated R movies?!
"Yeah man, Terminator is pretty good..."
"No no... hmm (he gets out his phone.. it has an English translator on it, shows me the phone) 'Pink Movies'"
"Uhhh... yeah dude, I guess so man.. a little bit"
"Chotto matte"
He drives to his house, goes upstairs, comes back downstairs, jumps into the car, and throws this shit on my lap.