I come home from work covered in sweat due to the sauna like humidity and what do I find?...
Guy was pretty big. maybe the size of my thumb or so.
Anyway I chased his ass down with a magazine that was sent from my aunt, missed, then the fucker went into my closet!
Jesus, now I'm covered in sweat cause I'm chasing a god damn cockaroach around my shitty apartment.
I had to drag all of my clothes out of the closet just to find the bugger.
Yeah I use old spice deodorant, so the fuck what?
Killed him son!
Dead mother fucker, it only took me about 30 minutes, my clothes, and a shit load of sweat.
On another sadder more depressing note:
I'm taking pictures of dead fucking bugs. Jesus Christ Nick, get your priorities straightened out. Where are the pictures of Japanese festivals, crazy hair, pigeon toed Japanese girls walking in high heels? Why are you wasting your time taking pictures of dead cockroaches. Fuck-n-a.
On an even SADDER note:
I told Iwasaki Sensei I loved her.. she said "Thanks.."
Instead of telling Iwasaki Sensei that you love her you should show her the pictures of the la cucaracha you killed so that she knows you bringer harder than nuclear fall out.
ReplyDeleteHey did you know that Michael Jackson died?
*The above comment about Michael Jackson was said in jest. The dead cockroach probably knew that MJ died.
im surprised we haven't heard your observations of how the Japanese took the news of the King of Pop dying....i thought it'd be pretty big over there...captain eo and all...
hahha jesus have you ever heard of pre-heating the oven before you start to cook.
ReplyDeleteyou cant skip steps 1-5 and jump into the deep end of the pool of love
(are these anologies working for you?)
HAHA! Dude all of your friends comments are hilarious.