Jason and I set out to the beach in his car (That's not his Mercedes).
We had a hard time finding a parking spot so we parked in an empty lot. About 2 hours later Jason gets a phone call from his manager.
"Are you at Shirahama beach?"
"Yeah how'd you know that?"
"You parked in a man's lot and he's fucking furious. You better go move it."
We got back to the empty lot and saw this

The dude parked his car perpendicular so we couldn't get out the spot.
Well due to the nature of Japo cars being so tiny, we were able to squeeze by.
Once back at his apartment he gets another call from his manager.
"Hey, you weren't supposed to leave."
"But, I thought we were supposed to move that car..."
"Yeah well... he wanted you to stay so you could apologize."
"Okay I'll go back and apologize."
Manager calls again.
"Wait, you don't have to go."
"Why not?"
"You don't know Japanese. You can't apologize appropriately. I'll be down there tomorrow morning and take you to the beach and we'll both apologize in Japanese."
"But you live 2 hours away. You're going to drive all the way down here, on a Sunday? That's your day off..."
Well I wasn't able to go see the apologizing in action. But from what Jason told me, the dude was about a 5'4" piece of fiery shit. At one point in the apologizing the man put up both his fists and asked Jason to "C'mon! C'mon!" Then stepped back on his property. Apparently if you hit on a dude on his property your in big shit.
Jason was able to keep his composure this time... but not for long!!....
Till the next story!
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