Oh nothing like the sweet smell of VICTORY!
I really enjoyed Hiroshima, easily one of my favorite trips while in Japan. Such wild history, pretty city, and of course I was with the old man giving me history lessons on super powers/death/racism or whatever fuck.
The best is when my students ask me:
"Giunta what's your favorite Japan city."
"Oh that's easy child, I really like Hiroshima."
There's looks of confusion on everyone's face.
What the fuck?! Why the hell do you like that depressing reminder of a city? Oh I know why that yankee piece of shit likes it. It's because he likes remind himself that he won the war. Well woohoo, raw haw for you Mr. American piece of shit. Why don't you just go over to that McDonalds buy yourself a Big Mac, supersize it, then shove it up your hairy capitalistic asshole!? Do you like Hiroshima because it's a great reminder of the destruction your country has put on us, that is still effecting us to this day? Do you know how it feels to have family members and friends effected by a bomb that was so hot it melt there skin to floor? So why Giunta?! Why the hell do you like that city so much? You piece of trash! And by the way I hate your classes!
- Er, the food?